

  • 的 playing field for each team consists of five players, four field players 和 one goalkeeper.
  • 所有的游戏 男女同校的 至少在自然界是这样 two players of any under-represented gender must be on the field of play at all times. A team may start 和 play with one member of an under-represented gender but must play a person-down until the second person of an under-represented gender arrives at the game. 玩家只能继续玩下去 一个团队. 只有 两名俱乐部队员 can be on the field of play for a team at any given time.
  • 的 game consists of two 20-minute running halves with a five-minute half time. 如果re is a tie after the completion of regulation play during 联赛打 和 if time permits, there will be a 5-minute sudden-death overtime. 在 比赛季后赛, there will be one 10-minute overtime, followed by one 5-minute sudden-death overtime if necessary. 游戏可能 end in a tie during the tournament or playoffs but may end in a tie during league play.
  • If a team fails to report for the scheduled contest with 10分钟 after the scheduled time for the game, a forfeit will be declared for the absent team. If both teams fail to arrive one time, both will be charged with a forfeit. To obtains a contest victory by forfeit, enough players must be present to constitute a full playing field.
  • 仁慈的统治: If a team is ahead by 10 points or more five minutes AFTER the start of the second half, a game can be called by the referee.
  • 游戏范围: 的 walls are considered "in play." 的 exception to this rule is the wall at which teams line up. 的 ball is out when it crosses over the basketball sideline on this wall. A 在 takes place from the spot that the ball is called out. 的 goal box will be designated by the basketball key. Penalty kicks are taken from anywhere on the 3-point line. A defensive line is not permitted to be erected during a PK. A ball will be declared out of bounds if it l和s behind the net or touches any part of the basketball net/backboard.
  • 游戏: A 开球 will be held at center court to start each game, after halftime 和 after a goal. 的 开球 must go forward 和 the kicker may not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player. 比赛将在a后恢复 when the ball has gone out of bounds. 所有 在s are indirect 和 the defense must be at least 3 yards away from the person kicking it into the field of play. A 惩罚/直接踢 will be taken anywhere on the 3-point line. 所有 players must be behind the 3-point line, at least 3 yards from the ball 和 may not move until the ball has been kicked. A goal may not be scored directly from an 间接踢, but must touch another player first.
  • 门将: A goalkeeper may pick up the ball with his/her h和s as long as their feet remain inside the goal box. 的 goalie may kick or throw the ball but the ball must bounce on the floor before crossing the half-court line. If a cleared ball does not bounce before the half-court line, an 间接踢 will be awarded to the opposing team 和 the ball will be placed at mid-court.
  • 一支球队只能在比赛中得分 攻击的一半 法庭的.
  • Rough play 和 unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
  • If a timed-penalty is assessed, the team 必须短兵短马 在整个处罚期间.
  • 免费替换 are allowed throughout the game except for the goalkeeper who may only be substituted for at a stoppage of play when 和 when the substituting team has possession. "On the fly" substitutions may not directly interfere with the play of the game 和 must take place as close to the out of play line 尽可能.
  • 的是 禁止越位规则.
  • A 手球 is called for the intentional h和ling of the ball. 如果 手球 takes place inside the goal box, a penalty shot is awarded.
  • Most penalties will be dealt with by issuing a 黄色预警 第一次违章后,a 红色弹射 penalty will follow for any subsequent violation. 的 exception to this rule is sliding. A 蓝卡 will be issued for sliding 和 the player will be required to sit ot for one minute. A second slide will result in a 5-minute penalty 和 a 3rd slide will result in an ejection penalty with the offending team playing "short" for the remainder of the game.
  • Fouls will result in 间接踢s except for those deemed so egregious as to award a direct penalty kick to the offended player.
  • 如果 ball hits anything related to the basketball hardware, a goal kick will be awared to the who touched it last. 
  • 如果 球进了球门, a goal kick will be awarded regardless of who touched it last. Intentionally kicking the ball behind the goal with the intention of gaining a goal kick will result in an indirect free kick on the half line for the other team. 
  • 进攻球员 可能没有两只手 同时挂在墙上. 

    牧师. 1/16/2024
报告问题 - 最后更新: 01/16/2024


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